
Last Update: February 11, 2011

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To create a successful life, it's important to learn that you need to make a start somewhere.   Don't hesitate to discover several paths to find out where they carry you and what you find out as you go along.    Get more comfortable with the very idea of what you want to do, and most important is to believe that it is possible and in time you will find the solutions.   Find some space to look at what actually is important for yourself.  Developing command over your life requires learning and then effectively using a variety of self-determination skills, such as setting goals, knowing your skills and handicaps, problem solving, and self-advocacy.

Every day life is about the journey, not the outcome.  Your values determine your quality of life.  Actions will unfold in accordance with your goals.  Your future is determined by your conscious thought processes.  If you think positive you will begin to see a big difference.  The more self-disciplined you become, the easier your lifestyle gets.  Most people have the ability to make decisions and actually manage their lives.  For a minute postpone all conclusions about yourself as well as the people inside it, picture yourself waking up one morning and speak out loud "Thank you Lord,  for another day, my loved ones, my home and friends and above all dear Lord, Thanks for my life”!

The important part of self-discipline is understanding, the reasons you want something.  Consequently you can manage your personal lifestyle.  Possess the determination to increase your self-esteem and you're on your journey to great achievements!  Do not allow a lower self-esteem to mess up your life.  The way you think about yourself can determine how you will get connected with others.  Difficulties which were once extremely hard for you, could eventually appear like child's play.  It is important that every individual have a network or group of support . When people today want support, it's family and friends nearest to them who support them in their ordeals and exercising their right to choose.  Most people have the ability to choose the way they will live their lives, where and with whom.  Through life's daily journey, the majority of our greatest education, are realized whenever we make decisions that many of us later recognize were mistakes.  A commitment is supporting individuals, help determine their goals, respecting those goals, and supporting them to make dreams come true.  People have desires and goals, which are most important in their mind.  As you become stronger, the same loads will seem to be lighter in weight.  The worst reaction you can have is to remain still and do nothing at all.


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Meadow Breeze Premium
Sometimes the Focus is the hard part of creating that picture!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for the wisdom Meadow Breeze. You just have to keep that picture you are intending to create in front of you constantly. If you get doubtful, just change your mind and get back to that ideal picture.