Creating your First Squidoo Lens

Last Update: February 22, 2011

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Most people in affiliate marketing believe that a great starting point is creating a Squidoo lens.  You can find a lot of good information on how to create a Squidoo lens.  Before making a Squidoo lens should have already done research on what are the best tags that you plan to use. You should look within those tags to see other lenses that are tagged, and maybe comment on some of those lenses. Making a lens is a very good way to practice basic and intermediate computer skills. You will be developing skills for online research, applying the use of user interfaces like dashboards, and keyboard skills. 

The most important aim of making a Squidoo lens is to introduce a new or exceptional feature of a site.  You will be able to even add tags to the post on a lens. When you are planning to make a link wheel, you can start by making a squidoo lens regarding your website. You should create a proper back link to your website or blogger. 

You can also build a Squidoo lens in an area where businesses will be willing to pay for a Squidoo lens on their website. You can build a lens that you will later flip for a big profit by researching for a keyword that is in high demand. Another tactic is creating a Squidoo lens and being sure that is highly optimized with a good keyword density. Just be sure that it is not too optimized for it to be offensive.  Also consider making a Squidoo lens that you can popularize by writing articles about it and submitting them to article directories, commenting on other people's lenses, rating other people's lenses and all with a link to your Squidoo lens. 

Squidoo lenses can include links, videos, written sections, pictures, maps, book reviews, and so much more.  The tools are available to build your lens with variety and creativity making this a fun chore.  Creating a Squidoo lens can be enjoyable as well as productive.  These great tools help to educate people on many different subjects.


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robert2704 Premium
I still use squidoo and with the module titles and the amount of them having h2 the density doesn't have to be high within the actual content. Not just squidoo though. Tie that in with squidutils and the toolbar along with the amazon perks you get like monetizon the sidebar with posters. You're right when you say it helps folk get into the swing of working with computers. That's the only downside. They don't have plugins like wordpress. Everything you do to dress it up is that annoying html in the smallest space and writing they can give you. Worth it in the long run. Good to see you're focused.

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