Good news and bad news

Last Update: November 15, 2010

     Well first let me start off with the bad news.  It looks like the servers here at WA are down, so my Wordpress blogs are offline for the time being.  But, that is the only thing that I have to complain about today.

     The good news is this.  MY AD IS NOW ON THE FRONT PAGE OF GOOGLE!  I searched for it this morning, and there is was number #6 for one of my keywords!  I am noticing some backlinks starting to show up for my blog as well.  Three of my articles are now live and seem to be working nicely.  Now, what to do while I am waiting for the servers to come back up?

    Well, I went to associated content and accepted some assignments.  I wrote two articles today.  It may not be much, but they could be a little residual income for later down the road.  I guess the important thing for me, and all of us to remember is, when one  thing goes down, you need other things to keep you afloat.  

     I wish you all the best of luck today, and I wish us all great success!  Have a great day!



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