Adjusting The Look of Your Website and other Wordpress Training

Last Update: June 09, 2012
Hi everyone

I know that new training appears on the Dashboard but I kind of like being able to tell people myself :-). I've just created a new resource that shows you how to adjust the look of your website with CSS.

If you've ever wished you could change how large your text was, the color of an object or something else, this tutorial should be able to help you achieve that.

I won't promise you'll get it like 'that', but to be honest it's no more difficult then, say, writing an article that ranks in number one position.

Here's the tutorial, and please post any feedback you have on it.

My Other Wordpress Tutorials

I have a few other tutorials on Wordpress you might be interested in:

Using Widgets in Wordpress: How to adjust the sidebar of your Wordpress site.
Creating Custom Menus: The menu across the top of your website deserves attention - creating a custom menu is a way to get fine control over what appears up there.
Accessing your Site via FTP: FTP is a way of accessing your site's actual files. If you want to upload something like a PDF then learning how to use FTP is helpful!
How to Upload a File to your site for Downloading: This is similar to the FTP one, above although if you want to upload something (again like a PDF) then this tutorial shows you a very simple way indeed for doing just that.

Of course you can see all Wordpress training by everyone by searching for "Wordpress" in the search bar.

Hope everyone's had a good weekend!

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Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks for this and all the others you have linked up. All stuff I was looking for.