Butterflies...In My Stomach

Last Update: August 12, 2012
I am in the process of building my own website and every time I click on continue, I wait in awe, my heart racing and a little thought at the back of my mind 'The computer is probably going to explode, I do not think I should have done that'! However, the determination wins and I proceed, get stuck on the way, go back and forth between reading the training manual, viewer's comments and my own imagination of what should happen and BOOM, I have a website...... now, what next? I have no idea but that was an experience I will never forget. I'll grab a cup of coffee, take a break and come back to figure out what next.... wish me luck.... I have never been keen on the computers and the internet!
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joeknight Premium
love this post
mi6rima Premium
Thanks joeknight
stadium Premium
I was laughing because I thought what you wrote was funny, not laughing at you. Just wanted you to know that.
mi6rima Premium
Thanks stadium I thought it was funny too and laughed at myself
Renni Premium
Your post is too cute. One of these days the butterflies will be replaced by smooth flying wings! I'm not exactly an expert yet but your post took me back to my beginning. It does get easier and you will gain confidence. Best of luck and future success!
BIS Premium
Interesting choice if you're not keen on computers on the internet. Hopefully that's all going to change. Good luck
stadium Premium
haha, best of luck.
mi6rima Premium
Thanks stadium