About Michaelangelo
Joined February 2010
I am very new to the internet marketing thing or making money at home period. I am very excited and eager to learn as much as I can so I will never have to work for anyone but myself again! I was just recently a manager for a marketing company but walked out because I felt like the company took advantage of me every day and put a whole lot of hours, money, time, and so much more that never seemed to equal out in the end. This seems like an amazing opportunity and I cant wait to see where it takes me!
Michaelangelo's Accomplishments

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Mohamad Premium
Hello & Welcome!! All the Best !!
View578 Premium
Welcoming you here and wishing you the best.
Pixote Premium
Welocme to the site, you made a wise choice, this site is the real deal, not a scam like a lot of others. Best of luck and I hope we BOTH never have to work for Corporate America again!!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
music_mom30 Premium