my aha moment in amongst the aaaaaaaagh!!!!!!!!

Last Update: June 06, 2011

 Its been a wee while since I last had the urge to write a blog, but just had to share this story with you all.  

Last night was like any other night here, and I had just come down from laying down with my three year old to get him to sleep.  All of the boys who need prompted to have a shower had done, so thought I should nip in the shower, while my partner took the dog out.  

Then, world war three launched in my boys bedroom, with Fraser and Callum on a mission to kill each other - over something of utmost importance about an x box controller.  As I heard the banging about I thought something was wrong so raced from the shower (grabbing my dressing gown on the way - dripping wet and naked is not a good look for parents).  At the same time my partner adorned with muddy wellies was racing from outside, in, and then grabbed the two guilty parties and prized them apart.  

Once everything calmed down a bit, and the x box and ps3 had been ceremonially taken away and hidden( I do this so often I'm running out of hiding places), I had a good talk with the boys, put them to bed and then me and my partner sat in the kitchen and talked about how we 'should' have handled it, and lots of head in hands and I dont know moments followed.  You see, parenting doesnt come with a manual.

I think Im rambling here, but I had to build the picture of my aha moment ...

That night I nipped through to turn the computer off and all the piles of niche research caught my eye, ones on facial exercise, sight issues, blushing to name but a few.  As a complete novice, I do worry that I dont have enough knowledge of the subject areas I am interested in, so I research, research, research.  AND as a consequence, I dont put pen to paper, lots of doing but not lots of action.

Kyle and Carson, Jays WAbinars and Pot Pie Girl all say  that niches are everywhere, just look around you.  And they are right, just sometimes we dont see them.  When you are new to this game niches are the master of disguises...

sleep issues for toddlers, sibling rivalry, effective parenting, bringing up boys are a few concepts that crop up from my post, but have I ever considered any of these as an idea? Never!  Is this an area I can write from the heart? You bet it is.  Is this an area I can understand the emotions of my prospective customers?  Yes, yes, yes.  

...sometimes niche ideas appear around us, with bells on, and we ignore them until we have that aha moment!  





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Behealthy Premium
Ex-bloody-actly. So now go find a hungry enough audience ( Keyword tool) and build your website.
Children are indeed a bloody nightmare...sometimes :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Those sound like good topics, and you can interview the children to get their points of view. So it can be from the parent's standpoint, and the child's standpoint. No one ever seems to ask the children. Right from the horse's mouth.
Jamie Smith Premium
Props to you Michele for having your aha moment during all that other stuff happening! If you ever end up with niche questions, please feel free to send me a PM, I got your back.
Strauss7270 Premium
There will be a lifrtime of the kids fighting. I have 2 of them. 20 and 17 years of age. Boy and girl. Nightmare.
Right out of "Acres Of Diamonds" and so true. Then again wouldn't a parent at the end of a frustrating day really want to escape into a more refreshing niche? Just kidding. Cheers, JR.