
Last Update: February 01, 2010

After a good 2 days of promoting my 1st web site (Thx Roger!) up on the social networks, I have earned a whopping $2.96 in Adsense.


HHmmm, let me think, if I could earn $5.00 Adsense for this site in 1 week, then with 200 sites, I could make $1,000 Asense per week. Thats $4,000 per month. If I had 500 of these sites, thats $10,000 per month in Adsense.


What if I can make $10 Adsense per week, per site? WOW, could someone tell me that this is not possible? of it will never happen? The way I see it, I didnt really do much for the 2 days of promoting for free with 1 site which got me $2.96 for 1 site in a few days..

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Micky Premium
thanks magistudios!
magistudio Premium
I just clicked on an Ad for ya! ;)
Enjoy that extra $0.17...

I like your vision of rinse repeat - do it!
Micky Premium
HA, its up to $3.69.....forgive me guys, I just want 500 sites now, LOL, correction, 1,000 sites (correct Roger? )
X2 Premium
WTG Micky!

You promoted it, I just built it for you.

Congrats and I hope there are many more to come!

sandy Premium
this is possible. Infact this is what people are doing....