Posts by Mikekellyonline 2
December 27, 2009
I hope everyone's Christmas was a blast! Now it's on to 2010!  What sort of things are on your goals list for this year? For me here's a couple: Actually make a WA sale Get my earnings up to $40/month by the end of February Get my earnings up to $60/month by the end of March Get an Aweber campaign once I'm making $60/month Get an article directory going on my site Become a bigger Ghost Writer  That's what's on my plate at least to get 2010 rolling. Maybe you'd share what's on your pla
December 18, 2009
So there's a blog function on here, huh? Haha. I've seen that tab since the beginning, but never clicked on it.  Is anybody having as much fun as I am with affiliate marketing?  I mean it's if I could only make a I am currently trying to build up my website to be a sort of go to sort of place.  And now that Kyle and Carson expanded the Hosting here!  I've uploaded an Amazon aStore...same way I outlined in my tutorial.  I'm also beginning the gro
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