About MikeyT
Joined October 2011
Hi I'm Mike! I live in the UK and am currently working in IT for a small company. Its a great job, but Id like to work for myself from home in the not too distant future! :-) That's why I've set myself a 3 year goal of creating enough income from affiliate marketing so I can give up my day job. I currently work on this during my lunch hour each day and when I can steal an hour here and there of an evening.

I'm looking for freedom as well as to create a financially secure future as I'm sure everyone else is, however, I want to create something that will keep me enthused and give me solid enjoyment for life, which I believe can be achieved with the help and resources at WAU.

I then want to be in a position to help others achieve in life.

So here's to your dreams, goals and future plans!

MikeyT's Goals 3
Money Goals
testing goal comment
Money I would be happy earning
Money I would be ecstatic earning
Time I'm willing to invest to achieve my goals
Goal created on
Dec 14, 2016
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MikeyT Premium
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4wardthinker Premium
Welcome to WA!
MikeyT Premium
cashflow+ Premium
Wishing you success here at WA, Enjoy yourself,have fun, and most of all be happy. Cheers!
MikeyT Premium
I will do, many thanks!
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
MikeyT Premium
Thank you!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
MikeyT Premium
Thank you, i feel incredibly welcome here!
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of info on this site so don't let it blow your mind. Follow the 30 training offered here and also go to WAbinars and go to Affiliate Walk Through parts 1 & 2. There it will put it all together for you. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. She good. MUCH SUCCESS
MikeyT Premium
Many thanks! Will follow your advice.