About Mirel
Joined June 2010
Hello, everyone.

My name is Mirel. Im totally new to Internet Marketing and WA. Completely confused here at WA spaces and dont know what I should be doing here. Feel myself like a little kid trying his first steps... just pressing any buttons to type smth. My initial goal is to learn IM and earn money (I guess it goes for everyone). Any help is welcome.
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webkab Premium
Just found you on WA. Great site and is helping me get started. Best of luck to you.
Mirel Premium
thank you for motivating
Mr. Jupiter Premium
Hey Mirel, I noticed your question on Ezinewriter's buddy talk, and I figured I would give you a hand. I would recommend not buying the domain for now. A lot of people regret that at first, and to be honest it is kind of a way for WA to make a commission. There is no need for a domain at the start. I would recommend looking into article marketing (bummarketing) to start out.

There's a tutorial from Carson here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share_zone/view/563

And a whole training section on this site focused on article marketing. I'm still pretty newb myself Mirel, but that has been very helpful for me.

Also you may want to check out the stuff from Potpiegirl (The Dam Way) on her webpage. Search that in google and it will come up. She is a superstar.

That already gives you like a bgillion things to focus on, I know. Just stick with it and go through those times that feel overwhelming. Once you start producing articles you will feel better.

p.s. if you already have your wp site then don't worry about it. It's ten bucks :P I would recommend against it to start out though. Message me if you have any questions or anything.

Mr. Jupiter Premium
Hey Mirel,

I would be more than happy to help. As I mentioned, I'm still pretty new, but I'm feeling pretty good about things at the moment.

The overwhelmed feeling is innevitable. That's part of what's great about writing articles. Even when they don't sell something you can feel yourself getting better at the whole process without that reading and information overload feeling. In the end that makes learning easier and not so vast and intimidating.

Here's a link to Potpiegirl's 1000th post:

She says some interesting stuff in that post.

And hey Mirel, just stick with it. There is a huge learning curve, but if someone else can do it, so can we. Right?

Let me know if you ever need help. I'll try to give you a hand.
Mirel Premium
Hey, Ben thank you for giving a hand... it's been really helpfull for me! Im really glad that you've described the way it works, cos I really feel overwhelmed. I havent bought the domain yet, cos I still havent figured out how it works. I have a full time onfline job (which I hate and wish everyday to start earning money online) therefore I dont have much time to go through WA lessons. But thank you Ben, tha's been really helpfull, so I guess I might ask you for a help sometimes? -)
Mirel Premium
thank you for sharing the link with me. Your messages give me inspirations. I just scanned thru the article and I absolutely loved it. I will surely ask for your help cos I see that u have a lot of information. As for now I think Im gonna get back to my lessons cos I m still on lesson # 1 -(
oncologa15 Premium
Hey Mirel. You can search Word Express Tutorial in the Search bar in the upper right, or you can go to


Hope this will help.
Mirel Premium
Thank you Oncologa15!
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Mirel, Just write a little bit about you and look for people to connect with like you did me.
Mirel Premium
Hello Ezinewriter,
I thought I've written a little bit about myself :)) Not really sure what else I could write... Im very bad with writing about myself... Thank you for your post :))
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Mirel Premium
Thank you for a warm welcome!