About Mitchell Allen
Joined August 2009
I am passionate about creating things. From programming to chess, I strive to make works of art out of every endeavor. I think I have a novel or two stored in my head. So I practice by writing in blogs.

My kids are the rays of sunshine that warm my day and keep me motivated.
My wife is the lady that makes it necessary! ;)

If you want a more traditional "Who is Mitchell Allen", you can visit my personal blog and read the About page. Free Bonus for those who follow this advice: you'll get to see where this mug came from!
Mitchell Allen's Accomplishments

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Mitchell Allen Premium
Welcome to all my new buddies!
Mitchell Allen Premium
Hi there! I'm Mitchell Allen and I am happy to be here!
Mitchell Allen Premium
Thanks! I'm living in central VA, though I'm originally from Philadelphia. My main interests are playing chess with my sons, creating board games, playing them, writing in my blogs and reading fiction.
How about you?
Mitchell Allen Premium
Day 2, Mistake #1: Even though I presented a tip on using a Wiki to record useful snippets and links for future reference, I forgot to save a reference to some of the resources on this site. ARRGH! No I can't remember where I saw them :)
Mitchell Allen Premium
Ah, cool. So, your boys don't like board games, eh? That brings a tear to me eye! LOL
I'm sure they've got plenty of other interests. I left a note on your page.
Mitchell Allen Premium
Help! What's wrong with the WA blog editor? It's rigged! I highlight a word to delete - it deletes everything BUT that word! thank goodness ctrl-Z worked. I had to write my post in a text editor.
Mitchell Allen Premium
You're still up? Cool! So am I. I wrote a post in the General Discussion forum. It's my "getting Started" story.
Check it out.
Mitchell Allen Premium
Hi Kevin! I think this is the way it works ... sort of like FaceBook.
Thanks for checking out the blog. I hope I learn how to use the editor.
It's very flaky on my Firefox.

Nice to meet you!


Mitchell Allen Premium
Hi Erica,

Nice to meet you!
I wrote this whole long reply and my connect dropped! Ratz. I'm going to give you the short version, because I can't remember everything LOL

long-tail keywords work. Keyword tools are just indicators and idea generators. If you blog, search engines will serve up your pages in the strangest ways, despite what you do.
So, bottom line, write for people, not for Google.

In my original reply, I gave an example from my personal blog: someone typed in pizza parlor designs.

Yahoo sent them to my post, "SEO and the Pizza Parlor".

Since my blog is called Morpho Designs, I came up!

Also, I pointed out that Search engines are not always giving relevant results, causing visitors to leave quickly.

That's why you must write to the people.


Mitchell Allen Premium
Hi Jen,

Awesome! Thanks for telling me about this!
I'll keep an eye out for his book.


CEOofFun Premium
Hey Mitchell,

Welcome aboard. Where are you located and what are your interests?
CEOofFun Premium

I live in Bermuda with a 70,000 population. 22km long and 2km wide at its widest point. I love salsa dancing, traveling, and I am in love with the internet. Can't go a day without it. I also have two sons one aged 21 and the other 13. Neither have interest in board games. :-)
CEOofFun Premium
Now that was funny. I guess I am a digital vampire. I need my fix everynight without fail. Even if I get home late, I got to go on it for 5 minutes which turns into an hour, then I am knackered in the morning. The difference is if you love what you you do it doesn't become a burden.
Have a wonderful day Mitch.
Mitchell Allen Premium
Hi Tracey,
I should have clicked through yesterday. You have a nice WA Space!
Computer geek only at night? LOL! What are you, a digital vampire?
Seriously, though, it's really nice getting know you.

