Jaaxy Update: Better Integration & Improved Keyword Management

Last Update: February 23, 2018

Hey Everyone,

Today I wanted to give you a quick update about Jaaxy and the progress we've made with integrating it into the Wealthy Affiliate platform as the Official keyword tool!

In December, I blogged about Jaaxy being integrated into WA and we added our first version of this exciting merge between the incredible keyword and research platform (in Jaaxy), and the Wealthy Affiliate community. We've got some great news, we've just made the integration more functional, and more integrated

Brand New Jaaxy Menu

If you click on the Jaaxy menu on the left you will see that we now have a more elaborate menu with many more options than before.

We are truly just getting started with the integration of Jaaxy into WA and we cannot wait to release the next set of updates that we're already working on.

2018 is absolutely going to be the year of our biggest advances yet at Wealthy Affiliate. I do not like to to foreshadow too much, but you can expect to be blown away in the coming months as we prepare for one of our biggest releases ever...

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