About Moanalisa3323
Joined October 2007
My name is Joyce...nickname Moanalisa3323. I have no clue how that 3323 got in with my nickname..
Born in the Netherlands. Came to Canada in 1961,
after marrying my Canadian husband.
Was a Spec.Ed. teacher, in N.S. for about 8 years, but had to quit after serious car accident.. We moved to P.E.I.(Prince Edward Island), Canada's smallest province., in1977, and came to Alberta in1995. Hubby had retired from the Army in 1977.
We had 6 children, the reason being, that I wanted a boy, and had 4 girls first. And yes, they're loved.
The 5t was a boy, and so was no.6.
Kids are all gone, and we assume they are grown up. I love reading, writing, traveling, and classical
music. and yes, I also listen to Rock, Jazz, and Country music...
I'm sort of housebound since my accident, so sit in my LazBoy, with my feet up, looking old, dignified, and....WISE.........................well, ask my kids.
Since I'm at the computer all the time, why not do something constructive. And yes, I plan on being
a millionaire, Since I've decided to live till I'm 95, that gives me 20 years
And I'll need help......so......anybody out there who wants to adopt a grandma, and help her along?
I've tried to post on the Forum, but cannot find that "icon" to click on.
Oh....did I forget to tell you I'm a Newbe at this? Completely with panic attacks, and hyperventilating, when I see words like URL, url forwarding, search engine optimization, or keywords. IIn other words:HELP!!
Moanalisa3323's Accomplishments

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moanalisa3323 Premium
Hello, my name is Joyce, and I'm a Newbe.. I'm writing this in my WA space, and I wonder where this goes, when I hit "Post. Maybe to the forum? I hope it does, so somebody can tell me how I do get to post on the Forum. I can't find that icon to click on.
I'm overwhelmed with all the info I'm getting here.
Talk to you all later
moanalisa3323 Premium
Hi, MaryJetc. Thanks for your kind words, and you were right. but life goes on, and I thought I'd have to let Ken go, so he could go on with whatever life he has now.
Like I said I have 2 Blogs:http://www.productcommentaries.com and http://health-is -natural.com I think I got my
high rankins because of a few articles I wrote for Ezinemagazine. But, what now? I need to fix up my blogs...they look awful. I'm reading "Wordpress for Dummies"
I'll keep you posted. Will you keep me posted?
Good luck.
MaryJ2010 Premium
Hi Joyce, I see you've been a member for about 7 months now, and was wondering how it's going with you? I too am a complete newbie like you were when you started.
Since you're not old enough to be my grandma :), I'd love to have you as a friend and buddy. You and I share alot of the same interests, reading, music, traveling, although right now my husband and I don't have the time or funds to do that as much as we'd like. I hope to hear back from you.
MaryJ2010 Premium
Hi Joyce, I am so sorry to hear about your son. A parent should never have to bury a child, no matter how old that child is.

Since I am almost the same age as your eldest daughter, yes I do think you are too young to be my grandma. I also plan on being a millionare, so we can all work together. Have you started the 8 week action plan yet and if so how is it going?
moanalisa3323 Premium
Gee, I did find your message. Hope you didn't write it too long ago. I still have trouble navigating on here.
And no, I have not have any sales yet. Mainly because I've been procrastinating for about 6 months.
I joined here for the wrong reason, and at the wrong time, for me.
I was trying to cope with the death of my son, who was killed when losing control of his motorcycle. He was 40,and left a wife and 2 little girls. . I thought I should keep myself busy. Well, I couldn't seem to concentrate, but did spend a lot of time reading tutorials, and the Forum.
I've finally been able to let Ken, my son, go. And now I'm ready to start working at this. Right now I'm also trying to promote WA. Taught myself some html....very basic stuff. I also have a site, or blog:
http://www.productcommentaries.com/wealthy-affiliate. I've started writing some articles for Ezinearticles.
I'll keep you posted.OK?
Btw, my eldest daughter is 49, and my baby Peter, will be 36 in July. Amd I still too young to e your granny?LOL.