Going out of my mind

Last Update: June 05, 2011

See? I can't even think of a better title than that. I'm totally overwhelmed with all the information I've received since I started in WAU. To be honest, I have not followed the training as I'm supposed to. I couldn't... I mean I'm like a chicken running around with its head cut off - just all over the place in a bad way. There's just too much information to process.

I got a blog up via WP but I have PLR articles there. Some I've edited. I figured I could go through the post and edit/rewrite them one by one that way instead of editing them before posting. I'm using the pet niche from nicheq. The thing is I did this after I joined Street Articles and realized I can link to the blogs from those SA articles. The problem was I didn't have any blogs worthy to link to yet. I haven't written any SA articles to target the pet niche because the pet blog I "created" does not seem to be ready yet.

I can hardly sleep thinking about how much I need to learn and how many articles I need to write, on top of my freelancing projects. Oh, did I mention I'm overwhelmed? Yes, I am.

So, I'm taking some time off from all the reading on affiliate marketing and attempts at writing reader-friendly articles with the right keyword density. I will have to post this on WAU just so I can express myself to people who understand (I hope) what I'm going through and point me in the right direction. I'll have to post this later anyway because there is a power outage in our city at the moment, which is why I'm taking a short break from my attempts at affiliate marketing.

Whew! That was a lot of blabbing right there.


Power is back up after 8 hours. Finally!

Reading it now, I think that the title is perfect because it sums up how I feel.

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jpogrins Premium
Hey mommy007... you are overwhelmed because you are doing something! Good for you! Now figure out what one ( 1 ) item you choose to focus on... maybe the blog you are not sure is done yet! I know Moms are great multi-taskers but in this business you need to focus on one thing at a time! Take a breath and go to your blog! You can do it!
mommy007 Premium
:) I just might do that! I was looking at the newcomers to WAU and I was thinking there are new WAU members joining all the time and I could get a piece of that pie to pay off my membership. As for the niches, I just need to get organized and get moving. Thanks for dropping by!
You could easily write an article aimed at newcomers to internet marketing or those still thinking about it. Title it ... "Online Marketing: How To Avoid Going Out Of Your Mind" and for your niche I think you found one on your profile page. Best Wishes, JR.