Is This What A Beached Whale Feels Like?

Last Update: July 10, 2010

 Oh my gosh, this is getting to be very overwhelming.  I always considered myself to be rather adept at multi-tasking, but this is ridiculous.  Sometimes it's not only screwing up my head but it is giving me a headache.

 I am trying to get through the Action Plan, writing articles, trying to set up the blog with the Blog and Funnel system, researching keywords, editing the emails for  Aweber.  Good grief!  Having ten kids and doing that balancing act felt like a walk in the park compared to this.

I am not quitting, I guess just venting.  I'm still loving this whole IM thing and learning everything is great, but I will be glad if I ever get to the day where maybe I could actually take one of those certification courses or something and not feel like it was going to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Can someone reassure me that someday I might feel like I am riding horseback on the beach instead of walking along side the horse through the raging hot desert and I keep stepping in all his horse pies?

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Chandra5 Premium
Hang in there momof10 as with anything there is a learning curve. I'm pretty new here as well and one of the first things I've learned as a single mom at WA is that I have to pace myself. Your definitely a lot busier than me with 10 kids, but whether it's 1 child or 10, learning how to pace yourself and schedule your study times around being a mom was a huge lesson I had to learn. I was going through exactly what you are going through now. But, in the end aren't we doing this for our children so we can be home to spend more time with them?
I love how you wrote that having 10 kids was easier than learning IM, OMG LOL! I have to admit it's not hard stuff to learn, but it's definitely hard to deal with every single little step to FINALLY get something completed. I may not be a huge success yet, but I know I will be. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just keep moving forward one baby step at a time. Good luck!
PS- Take a break from this you deserve it ;-)