Goal decision

Last Update: May 24, 2010

Ok today I decided to make an action plan - because all in all everything results in action. Tomorrow I'll set up a plan and post it here to keep me going.

I also discovered that my WA space offers a plan where I can post my goals and tasks fullfilled. 

I must say I still have some difficulties to find posts in the forum where my two-cents could help LOL
I believe that giving back to a community what you get is the best to make friends and build trust. The only thing is that you actually need to know something helpful ;-)

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Jamie Smith Premium
do good research and take action
maureenhannan Premium
I've also been hashing out my action plan--and also using the blog to post that for the sake of accountability. Probably tomorrow. The article marketing accreditation course is providing me with some structure and actionable tasks. Looking forward to reading yours for inspiration and added motivation!