Posts by Moondragon1 4
December 10, 2010
I've been with WA for almost 2 months.  This website is amazing with all the resources available and I really have enjoyed my time here. Unfortunately my financial situation is such that I can't stay a member with WA.  As much as I wish I could.  So this will be good bye for now and I will look to rejoin when my position changes for the better. I want to thank everyone that has helped me and have contributed to my learning.  I really appreciate your help.  I hope that ev
October 20, 2010
After contacting Kyle with a problem logging into the email from WA hosting it works. So does WordPress Express.  I'm glad to see that everything is now working.  I've been modifying my website and blog a little so I haven't been able to do much yet.  Also will be looking to make my money soon.  I've noticed a lot of new people and I'm glad some are finding the tutorials I've made useful.  I will continue to add to them and modify them if I find a better or more accurate
October 18, 2010
So I've been on this website for 5 days so far and I've been able to finally setup the Website and WordPress blog.  It was a little more difficult than I expected.  I have written a tutorial on how to get it done.  Hopefully it won't cause the headaches I had trying to figure it out from old tutorials and things that aren't even close to what we use here.  I've been busy getting ready for my exams coming up again so I hope I can find some extra time to do everything I need to
October 15, 2010
Well this is Day 3 here at Wealthy Affiliate and I've met a bunch of great people.  I found out that the tutorial section was also a little outdated so I created a general tutorial for setting up webhosting and creating the first website.  I'm still trying to get WordPress Express to work but hopefully I'll get someone to answer my questions.  (No real beginner tutorials that I can see so I'll make one as soon as I figure it out.) A little disappointed that the training has a 3 da
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