How many times do you hit a rock b4 it breaks?

Last Update: June 17, 2010

I heard a story about a man who had a farm a long time ago.  One day he found he had no water.  

The river had run dry! Yipes!  What was he to do?

He followed the riverbed until he found the problem.  A large rock had fallen and blocked the flow of water.  Unable to move it. He decided to break it.  He got a sledge hammer and hit the rock.

Nothing happened!

He hit it again.

Nothing happened.


He hit the rock again and again until 500 time he smashed at the stone with barely a dent.

He stopped took a drink out of his flask.  He had had enough!  Nothing was working!  His farm was dying!  He wasn't making any money!

Oh no!

He turns his back on the river and walks away.  But then he stops.  Determined the rock won't get the best of him he lifts his sledge hammer one last time and with all his might he hits the rock.

A large crack - the rock splits in two.  Fresh water tumbles through. His farm is saved.

A question:  Was it the 500 hits that broke the rock?

Or was it the one final hit that saved his farm?


(I don't know if this little story is copyrighted or not, but just in case.  I heard this from Tony Robbins and possible Joe Vitale and a few others too)

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moonvine Premium
great story! I will remember this one!
ana_nimoss Premium
Nice story. Nice moral booster. Thank you.
Busy Bee Premium
I have heard of similar things. If you hang a glass coke bottle on a horizontal rope and tap it away and when it comes back do it again it will finally break in to shattered pieces how many times I do not know.
I think the moral of the story is keep on keeping on you will finally succeed. Busy Bee