What goes up gets stuck!

Last Update: July 15, 2010

Well I have been creating word press blogs like they are going to be extinct soon.  With varying success.  Some have gone up to rank one then dropped back others just haven't quite made it.  A bit like me trying to climb a high pole with a stand on the top just couldnt get over that edge! lol

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maureenhannan Premium
Good for you! Are you using exact match domain names for your blogs? I've been banging my head against the wall trying to set mine up with exact match domain names. Trying hard to find ones that don't use hyphens...not easy at all.
iFaith Premium
Aah yes, this is really where the real work starts - promoting and getting traffic + sales. Never give up on your blogs - promote and improve rankings, traffic, converstions - or sell them.