Just How experienced do you have to be anyway?

Last Update: May 22, 2010

I'd so love to do my own ebook, but have discovered that it is a sad fact of life that after ahm years on this earth there's not one topic that I know enough about to write a great ebook on.  Yes I've dabbled at lots of things.  But I'm not a professional photographer, artist, writer - well anything really.  

So just how much knowledge do you really need to writer a killer ebook anyway?  Obviously you can research stuff, but should you really be telling people things unless you really know about it?  It seems to me most of the make money ebooks make money by writing them rather than making money first or is that just the musings of a crushed cynic? 

So just how do you jump to the next stage?  The elusive making a living - not a fortune so that you don't have to worry about strangling the irritating guests where you work because you can afford to be one yourself?

My business has been doing a good job of fading to dust recently as I thought I would have to close it - but now I may be able to keep it going its like a tiny seedling once dormant but now sprinkled with water and left in the sunlight.

The question is - is it really a seedling worth keeping or should I just yank it up and throw it away?


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Moonstone Premium
Thanks guys!
Jamie Smith Premium
In my opinion, anything that you have a passion for is a great place to start. You can do research to build upon that.
DABK Premium
Pick one of the many things you dabled in, concentrate on it, learn it inside and out, then write an ebook. Or, take something you already like and know, take a small part of it, write a short ebook.
To go with internet marketing. You don't need to know internet marketing to write an ebook that's useful to me. You need to know how to set up a squidoo page, how to write an article that ezinearticles.com will accept.
Many people stumble over the small steps, over steps that you don't even think are steps you're so good at that.