Tumble weeding my way to success?

Last Update: June 12, 2010

You would think that by this stage I would know better, but no, in spite of a plan I'm all over the place.  A bit of squid, doing the DAM, managing of martial arts,  helping clients, paying for PPC, updating the dated - Yipes!   I've set up a mind map and its got all sorts on it.

The last week has seen several new things alone.  Which do I get first?  Sigh.  those that will help me, none?  Exploring new things is great, but I need to get things done, improve my results and set up so there's plenty of sticks in my dam (potpiegirls advice).  Trouble is some of my sticks are sticky, some are weak some float away and some have broken!

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moonvine Premium
I am in the same boat. I have decided to ignore all my junk and let it float down the river. but trying to monetize my lenses better, esp the high traffic ones, as I learn here. hard to balance learning and study, production and improvement of existing. but I try to do a little of each every day. some days not so well. I guess it's all a balancing act, huh? but as long as we are adding to the DAM, and building it up, it all counts.......right?
jatdebeaune Premium
You're sounding like me. I've decided to be a robot. Take certain steps that I can handle, do it a lot and forget about it. And then check the results once in a while. You can go crazy learning things, albeit it's exhilarating. PotPieGirl is a big exception.