
Last Update: September 19, 2009

Every evening I like to stop and think about what I am grateful for in my life.

Even if it has been a really horrible day, there is always something that I can be grateful for. There are always going to be negative influences in your life, no matter how positive you are. I find that gratitude is the grounding factor that gives me the strength to go on.

 There have been days that I haven't made as many sales in my offline business as I would have liked. Slow days tend to get me down. But then I realize how lucky I am to even have a business, when so many people are losing their jobs.

 I have a wonderful family and good health, so matter what happens, I will always be grateful for those.

 Try a little gratitude in your life.

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dr.bob Premium
Very good post on gratitude. We all need more of a gratitude attitude in our life. So often we play the comparison game which cause us to see what we don't have instead of what we need to be grateful for. Tanks for the reminder. dr.bob