About Motown313
Joined March 2011
My name is Chuck Atwater and I live in the Motor City. It is no secret that this area has the highest unemployment in the US and greatly suffered in this recession (it was more of a depression here). Not surprising I am what I catergorize as in semi-retirement and have been looking to "reinvent" myself. I hesitate using that term (reinvent) but it sounds better than I am looking for work in all the wrong places.

I have worked in business arena for over 30 years in marketing, sales, and sales management. My last active fulltime work was in the telecommunications industry which was very exciting and fulfilling. I am also a retired Captain in the U.S. Naval Reserves and have several degrees acquried over the years.

I had been interested in Internet Marketing for awhile but could not find a good business model to assist me; however, I have been pleasantly surprised with WA and now feel more comfortable with finally reinventing myself as an Internet marketer.
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motown313 Premium
This has been an interesting journey thus far but I try not to let confusion block the days objective. In some cases I had to reread or view a video a second time and something I missed earlier cleared the fog. Hang in there and continued success.
Roby Ellett Premium
HI Chuck!

Welcome to WAU. My husband and I are both trying to "reinvent" ourselves as well!! Good luck with the training, I've only been working on this for a week, still pretty confused, but will hang in there. Hopefully the light bulb will come on soon.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Jamie Smith Premium
I sent you some WA Gold to get you headed down the right path making $$ online. You should check out Jay's WAbinar archives about wordpress blogging.
motown313 Premium
Jamie, thanks for the welcome, maybe you can pass on some tips regarding this blogging thing. I am trying to get up to speed with this aspect of communication.
motown313 Premium
Thanks I will review wordpress blogging per your suggestion.
motown313 Premium
I am curious how new, 10 days or less, members are progressing with their blog and website development.
motown313 Premium
Hello, I am a new enthusiastic member excited about the IM opportunity; however, it would be nice to collaborate and/or buddy with someone that is willing to assist in the start-up process. I don't have a picture to post at this time but I promise to correct this asap