About MrBones6723
Joined May 2009
Greetings. My name is Bob and the Mohican midgets with me are my sons Bill and Tony. I'm using this photo to illustrate why I've decided to leave the auto collision industry after 23 years to pursue a career in internet marketing. These guys are too much fun to be away from all day in the summer. I want to work from home so that I can play with them and provide them with a better life. In this endeavor I intend to be able to support my family and to be able to spend more time doing the things my family did when I was growing up.
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Allen Premium
Welcome to WA. My boys are grown now, but I've got 2 young grandsons, 1 and 2 years old, and I am the same way. I'd like to be able to give them the same quality time. Good luck and drop a line if I can help!
cocobolo Premium
Way to go MrBones! My oldest son is in the car crash biz. I can't talk him out of it. He says when I drive up in a brand new Lamborghini, THEN he will listen to me! Can't wait to tell him I told you so!
cocobolo Premium
'Morning Bob. I shall pass that along to my son, Dennis. Thanks.
cocobolo Premium
Bob, I have not checked that out, but I will do. Thanks & gold.
cocobolo Premium
Blistering hot.....Oh, I'd say anything above ZERO! No, not really. We did have near record highs here a few days ago, right around 30-31 C. That's in the shade of course. Where my JG is located, it is like a little suntrap. If there is no breeze at all, it will get very hot. Too hot really for some of the maples and certain rhodo hybrids. But that happens very seldom. Being right on the ocean, there is usually some kind of breeze to moderate things.
cocobolo Premium
Hi Bob: I had the same trouble, as you know. All over the place being afraid that I might miss some silly little thing. It's far better as soon as you realize that you just need to focus on doing one thing, not fifty. Just as soon as you actually get into organizing and doing your first campaign, thing start to get themselves sorted out. But, of course, that is when you really need to stay deadly focused. Eye on the prize!
MrBones6723 Premium
Thanks for the post Keith. Tell your son the voice of experience tells him to always cover his ass, double check everything he does and when push comes to shove he's expendable not the DRP. He'll know what I mean
MrBones6723 Premium
I just noticed you left a comment on a Squidoo html lens. Have you checked out HTML Borders Backgrounds yet. There are some really good codes in that one
MrBones6723 Premium
I read your Japanese garden lens and I'm curios. What do you consider a blistering hot day in western Canada
MrBones6723 Premium
Congrats on the anniversary. I've read the just for newbies series. helps to keep me focused. My mind is going in too many directions to count. Thanks