Street Articles Conspiracy Theory

Last Update: July 05, 2011

I've been trying to submit an article to SA for the last few doors. So far, the score is 4 submissions, 4 rejections.

To be honest, I'm sick of messing around with it. I mean, this lot are more demanding than Ezine, and I thought they were supposed to be the Kings of Fussy. I'm wasting more time trying to please SA than one article's worth. I've used Pixote's suggestion, which seemed reasonable to me, and tried several other variations, all to no avail.

I thought the WA Powers That Are wanted us to submit our articles to Street Articles, since it's their site and since we're paying WA members. At this rate, even though I signed up for the 30 in 30 Challenge, I may just decide to opt out of that and forget about SA altogether and publish my articles elsewhere where they allow us to link without finding seemingly any and every excuse to reject articles.

Here's one of the reasons the article was rejected, which strikes me as completely ridiculous, and I quote:

"Your article ...... has been rejected. The following is the reason that it was rejected.
Reason :
Intended purpose of phrase is purely to obtain a link. Please link naturally within your articles."

YOU DON'T SAY! I mean, what other reason do we have for writing PROMOTIONAL articles?!!???

And here's the latest rejection reason, bearing in mind a couple of the other rejections have centred around using call-to-action links:

"No blatant promotions within your article. You can either embed your links within the content under words of your choice, or you can reword your content.
No "best, top program, click here, join now, etc"...please use wording such as "for more information", "to find out more" if you are going to use a call-to-action link.
Please fix and resubmit and I will approve right away."

I started out using something like "For more ways to...." and got rejected for that. Now it sounds like they're saying it's OK to use that. Is it them or am I losing my mind??????? Insane!

I get the feeling somebody in SA doesn't like me and my article.

I'm about to give it one more go, and then that's it. If it's rejected again, as the old country tune would have it, if they were writing about this, I'll be singing "Take yer directory and shove it"!

Anybody else had this much trouble?  God, I hope not!

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