About MrEnjoy
Joined May 2012
Hello! Tony here! I'm a big supporter of WA and I'm looking to officially join ASAP.

WAU has helped me learn all I know. The community is really fun and helpful - Thanks a lot for that.

I have dabbled slightly in this marketing thing since 2009. Two and a half years later I really decide to get into it so I've taken the plunge! I am sure everything will go over well with some hard work and dedication!

So since I covered my work orientation, let's go over the things that I ENJOY: Owning my pet hedgehog, Luna; Being an avid gamer (league of legends in particular lately), and Listening to all sorts of music; Sans country and pop.

Take all that, add a small dash of sarcasm, charm, a sprinkle of wit and top heavily with passion. The result is ME! =P

I'd love to meet some of you, go ahead and introduce yourself! Or even just say Hi! :D
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