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Last Update: June 15, 2010

Ok, so I have been at this internet marketing thing for about three years now and have made a fair bit on and off throughout those years. I am one of those guys who has been here at the university for awhile and has quietly soaked up much of the knowledge without getting too involved in the conversation. 

All that has changed now. Today, I am embarking on a journey to give back to the community and the opportunity that has given me so much. I have not yet made enough to quit my day job and don't know that I even want to at this point. But I have tasted a fair amount of success and know that I love this line of work. It's just plain fun for me. 

While I cannot claim to know everything or even begin to scratch the surface of all the internet marketing knowledge that is out there, I have learned a lot over the past three years. So now I will share that with whoever wants to listen. 

I know everyone has a reason why they are here and I hope to get to know you and your reason better over the coming months and years. Feel free to leave a comment and say hello. I think we will be seeing quite a bit of each soon!

To Your Success, 


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