About Mudgesteve
Joined May 2010
I am an older gent trying to earn extra money using the internet. I am happily married now for 33 years. One of my greatest contributions to the world is my four children. I have a lot of programming experience in many different languages. I believe my best work has been done using VBA in Microsoft Excel as I have the most experience using the Excel object model. I am constantly learning these differant languages to keep up with the times, Visual Studio 2010 is the newest (I have written many programs using VB6) As you know web programming is a moving target and i have written my first web app for Oil Well Service using php, MySQL, XHTML, java, CSS, etc... I use lynda.com a lot for learning the Adobe Master Collection CS5. I hope joining WA will get me the training and help I need to use many of my skills to earn money on the internet.

One thing I have learned in life very long ago, you get out of things what you put into them. I can tell in advance I know I create my own destiny.

As you can see from my pic, I have a hole in my throat. Just a FYI, I swallowed a jack when I was 3 years old eating Kellogg rice crispies. It was a prize in the box and Mom poured the ceral and I did what a lot of 3 years old do, open month insert spoon and swallow! That jack was in my throat for 2 weeks before my mother and father realized the kid is NOT eating and is turning colors! Anyhow the doctors surgically removed that jack and sewed me up, I lived a normal life until I was 19, at that time i was managing Denny's and at lunch passed out over my food (unable to breathe) The paramedics third jolt brought me back to life and I was told it was there last attempt, They cut an 'X' in my throat so i could get air and breathe, scar tissue grew from that earlier operation (16 years earlier) to where i could not get air. Since then I have tried many times to get the hole sealed up but I am still waiting for technology to get better.

Anyhow, hope to learn a lot from both the community and WA training materials! as well as make a lot of money!
Mudgesteve's Accomplishments

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Heart2Heart Premium
Hi welcome. I am a newbie and hope you will do well. You have fascinating story. Does the hole affect your speach?
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME! Glad to have you here!
Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck! :)
babyboomer20 Premium
Just stopped by to welcome you aboard!! Glad to see you here. Congratulations on taking this step to "Owning Your Life". Thanks for sharing your story. Wishing you all the Success in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
FatWallet Premium
Hello and Welcome WA! Wish you all the best!!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family