My 1st Local SEO Client!

Last Update: February 24, 2011

Hello fellow WAers,

 Just wanted to report that I have acquired my 1st local SEO client, and have one other guy I am waiting to hear back from.  Pretty sure he will sign on as well.  I am charging $900 to one and $1350 for the other!  Not  bad!  I will be outsourcing a lot of the links, manually building a link wheel, and doing articles to support his main site.  I am figuring on putting in about 20 hours of my time to help him get some good rankings for KWs related to his business.  I told him my hours would be put in over the course of 6 months, so 3-4 hours per month.  My goal is to build steady back links to avoid their business site getting sand boxed.


 This is not rocket science here.  Here is how I went about this:

I started by performing local KW research, I just picked a niche and it was heating and cooling.  I looked for the exact domain to see if it was available, and it wasn't.  So, I went and Googled heating and cooling xxxxxx to see where this site was ranking for that KW, and it was on page 8.

Here is where it gets interesting...

Now, I decided to get some balls, and cold call the business owner.  Little did I know it would go so well.  I simply told him that there was no reason he could not get to page 1 for that KW, and the KW gets "X" searches per month.  I said if you can get a top spot for this KW you would be looking at some serious traffic.  He liked the sounds of this a lot.  

 It really is that simple.  Moving local business sites up the rankings is not as tough as a lot of affiliate campaigns we run.  When you slap a city in the KW phrase it makes things much easier. 

My point is ANYONE who is training at WA can do this.  Don't limit your skills to just affiliate campaigns, which can be hard to make sales on.  There are thousands of business owners with poorly performing websites, and with the skills we learn here you can provide a very valuable service to these people.  Just let them know what they are missing out on, and it really sells itself.

Thanks for reading this.  I am planning on turning up the heat for local SEO businesses in 2011, and you should to!







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muskyblood Premium
@ Sannika - Thanks Saanika! Yeah, I think getting the stomach to just go out and talk to these business owners is the hardest part, especially customer #1. However, after you do it once the next time becomes more comfortable. In fact, I have landed client #2 last night! So far I am 2 for 2. A much better conversion rate than any of my affiliate campaigns :)
Ben G. Premium
Thanks for this! You have provided inspiration and valuable information that I will use to try to get some SEO business here in my local area. If you don't mind me asking...

Did you get all of the money up front? ...a portion? ...or did you have to promise the guy he'd see results before he had to pay?
SP1976 Premium
Hey Josh, I am so inspired by you...I keep looking at car windshields and the sort advertising different businesses, obviously they do not have websites...I want to talk to them and offer them my services...but I am missing those 'balls'. Hope to grow some soon....; Good luck to you!
muskyblood Premium
Thanks Bryan! Yeah, you might have to get some new pics up soon.
makers-n-seven Premium
Awesome work man! Hopefully folks can start to realize there are some many more ways to earn good money working online other than pushing magic weight loss. Keep workin hard my friend (and great shots of the kids! I need to get pics up of mine soon....)