Posts by MVF 4
Hey folks,  I'm making this quick and nothing fancy. I just came accross this killer site indexing tool today and I wanted to share it with y'all.   Guys, I want to make sure you understand that this is not a quick way to replace building backlinks for your site, BUT IT WILL GET YOUR SITE INDEXED FAST. I'm about to try it out on a couple of my sites and I'll have some updates shortly, the things I've read so far are good.
November 23, 2010
The Story of My Success   Well, not yet but you'll see me at the top soon. Just wanted to share a bit and give some of you some hope.   I've been wondering how to finance my IM business as well as take care of the monthly fee for WA (which is a complete steal, but still costs some green). So I was thinking two things:  a) Prostitution  b) Get someone to help me finance everything Well, plan A was a bit too much work so I went with B. In the first day, my enthusiasm and d
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October 31, 2010
Time Out!  Hey folks,  Not too many of us take a minute to actually sit down and take a look at ourselves from the outside. Sometimes we only realize where we stand when it feels like it's too late to do anything about it (it's never too late by the way). I'm writing this because I've gotten to one of those crossroads right now where I gotta sort a whole lotta things out before I can get anywhere with WA. I see myself doing a lot already just after signing up a few days ago, but I coul
October 25, 2010
Start\Stop   I don't know everyone's story, if I did, then I'd be making a ton of money from that right now. But I can guess that most of us start out the same way. There is NO difference between us and the super successful. That's at the beginning. But once things start getting tough and we don't start seeing the type of success we want at the very beginning, well, many of us drop out.   I've been there, you're not alone. DON'T GIVE UP. Strive for what you believe in and you'll g