My freelance website project

Last Update: October 20, 2011

A friend of mine just gave me the best idea for a side business.  It is has nothing to do with affiliate marketing yet...

 But, I will likely use affiliate marketing in the future once it really comes into its own.  I will not give the exact details, as I am not yet prepared for any resulting competition (if any).  Suffice it to say that I have a long 2 months ahead of me whereby I will be building this solution and selling it to potential local buyers.  

Tonight, I found the perfect Wordpress widget for this system.  It has a monthly fee for each website activation, but is fine since I also plan to charge a monthly fee for ongoing maintenance and hosting.  

Widget cost: $15/month
Web design: free
My monthly fee: ??? $35 ???

If I make 100 of these website in the next 12 months, I will be making a passive income of $24,000.  2 years, $48,000.

The trick we be to find the right keywords.  Not many people are aware that this service exists, as not many people are doing this.

 I will use this blog to make updates on my progress with this, as it will motivate me to keep plugging away at it. 

Tonight, I shall start on the website template...




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Labman_1 Premium
Hope your "Project" is panning out for you. Looking forward to the promised updates.