My first ever niche site - work in progress, looking for your opinion/advices

Last Update: July 14, 2012
Hi everybody
I am working on my micro-niche site, the very first I ever made.
It's not finished yet but at this stage, before I go ahead and publish it, I'd like to have WAers opinions, critiques, advices, hints; in short, everything that could be helpful to improve it.
I know I will have to walk through my mistakes to learn the lesson but, obviously, I wouldn't mind if this journey can be a bit shorter and safer.
Particularly, I'd like to have your advices/opinions about the text content; being a non-english mother language (I'm italian),I am rather concerned that my text, in addition to grammar mistakes, may sound stiff and formal, something opposite to the friendly and confident language so common in this kind of things.
So, please have your say!
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Naiht Premium
I am now almost done but still missing few final finishings like affiliate links, completing contact page, etc etc. In the meantime if you find there's anything worth an advice or critique, please don't hesitate, I need your experience!
Labman_1 Premium
White space is your friend. The images are nice but you need to break up your content a bit so that it is easier to read. Use some headings to bring out your main topics. Basically, (I noticed that was your theme) try to increase the visual impact. When people see a lot of text they just click away. not what you want. Make it visually appealing and they will stay to read your content.

Good Start.
TJ Books Premium
There is nothing wrong with your English. I noticed a couple of long sentences that could be broken up. Are you going to promote this camera? Are you an affiliate of Amazon or a camera company? It looks to me that you are just getting started

I would suggest that you have a header what is not the camera image by itself.

Naiht Premium
Yes, John, I am just starting; not yet started though, that's why I am asking for help. I am affiliate to Amazon and I am thinking to add a couple of affiliate links to the biggest online stores, Adorama and B&H.
Can I ask you what's wrong with the picture in the header?