About Nana-diana
Joined May 2012
ME is a New Zealander - I live in the south of the South Island, 20 minutes from the city of Dunedin - I am a pensioner & a grandi-mum, with 3 gorgeous grandi-girls (who have amazing & talented parents) - I am retired from being a secondary school teacher of 40-odd years - I have taught teenagers all my working life in History/Social Studies/Geography/English - over the last 15 years or so, I have taught Equine Studies and Animal Care (great to get classes of students who want to learn & are there because they have chosen the subject).

As part of my family I have 6 dogs & 8 horses & 1 pony - guess I must like animals!! - I like cats also, but two of my dogs are NAUGHTY when cats are around, so I had to have my cats farmed out to friends, though I still pay for their keep!! With winter here, the bills mount up....and up!!
So here I am at W/A, keen to learn & to start earning some $$ for my new life!! nana-diana
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lisawells Premium
Welcome and thanks for your message! WA is a great place to be - you can get the help and knowledge you need, just ask! There are wonderful tutorials as well as the responsive and helpful community. Best wishes to you!
nana-diana Premium
many thanks for your message lisawells - I have found out very quickly just how helpful & supportive W/A and its members are - a major problem is sorted & now I can get going with my training - kia ora (good health) & ka kite (bye)
nana-diana Premium
grateful thanks, Linda - posting a blog seems a good idea - I already had domains before i linked up with W/A & for a variety of reasons I have been in a MESS - slowly emerging out of it - hope all going well for you
Linda Fedun Premium
Hi nana-diana welcome to WA. You won't get burned here, people are friendly and always ready to help. If you're stuck on something private message someone, or even better post a blog, When you do a blog you get lots of advice from many different people and then you can choose what works best for you. Have fun and good luck. Linda
nana-diana Premium
day 2 - i'm a grand-mother with three gorgeous grandi-girls (but they live a long way away from me) and a wonderful, caring son - i live on a wee farm with 5 horses & 6 dogs (another 5 horses are grazed a short distance down the road) - i live on a hill but near the sea (the Pacific Ocean in fact) - i used to breed thoroughbreds and raced some of them but i eventually found the financial commitment too high - however, as promised to them, these horses have been looked after ever since - i was a secondary school teacher until made redundant with a falling roll - in the second part of my career, i taught equine studies & animal care - so, here i am, surrounded by horses & dogs & loving it - by the way, my profile picture was taken at a racemeeting - that's why i look a wee bit posh!! ka kite ano nana-diana
nana-diana Premium
howdy doody - i'm a new zealander (& v. proud to be a "kiwi" - a flightless bird indigenous to a country nearer to antarctica than to the usa!!! - howz that for a national symbol??!!) - anxious to make enough money for my retirement so i don't have to sell my cottage & wee farm - have been "burned" by several scams but "won't give up" - think I've found the right mentors for me!! (tee-hee) - ka kite (bye) nana-diana