
Last Update: May 19, 2011

Been working hard. Spending some real hours doing to whole SEO deal.

And getting rankings.  And doing well.

Only to wake up this morning and EVERYTHING is off of Google. I mean, It's still indexed, but my rankings are gone.

I don't know what's happened. MIght be temporary.

Woe is me.

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nathaniell Premium
Apparently it's called the "sandbox" and lots of people run into it. Oh well, just one of those things. Plan of action? Aggressive backlinking as suggested by Jay.

Now I've just got to go find those aggressive backlinks from somewhere.

Totally just made three new buddies today. Sweet.
nathaniell Premium
Aye, it's too early to tell. I had a site that got boosted after the recent Google changes...held its position for about two months, then went totally AWOL.
Yeah, sometimes Google rearranges stuff and sites may disappear or get ranking for a bit and then change back. We'll see. It's just strange that they ALL disappeared over the period of about six hours (last night to this morning).
I guess all I can do is keep working at it. Quitting is for quitters.
smadronia Premium
How long has the site been up? How are you checking your rankings? how long ago were you indexed?
Google's funny like that. When I find a site of mine has finally been indexed, I also find that it gets a boost in rankings for a bit, and then usually drops. then it recovers over time.
Labman_1 Premium
With any luck it's just a reconfiguration of the searches. If you have good content with luck they will come back. Hope it works out for you. I have one that went bye bye and never came back. Others are doing well after disappearing for a few days.