Two Year Anniversary (Jun 2012)

Last Update: June 13, 2012
Two Year Anniversary (Jun 2012)

I'm big on goal setting and reviewing, so I like to come back once a year and make a post about my progress. This year, since things have become a bit more social, and I'm seeing more newbies around, I wanted to post about my humble beginnings here @ WA. From the posts below, you can see that I went from being excited about just getting my site INDEXED in Google, to this year where I had a couple of $500 dollar days and even had a month that I made 11K. Of course, Google took a big penguin sized dump on my sites, but I'm still doing alright. Though I'm mega pissed about losing so many sales this month, I guess it's better now that later - it just goes to show you that depending on Google Rankings for revenue is not a good business plan.

This year I need to focus on goals that are harder to measure. While in the past, I would always make goals based on how much money I'd like to make, these are what I need to work on for the coming year.

1. Focus more on my 'brand'
2. Improve my email marketing campaigns
3. Find other ways to get traffic outside Google

Enjoy my WA timeline below.

Post by nathaniell on Sun Aug 15, 2010

Small Successes

I know people usually post about about money in here, but I felt pretty good today when my .info finally got indexed in google....I'm hoping to post about moolah soon.

Post by nathaniell on Thu Aug 26, 2010

Re: Small Successes

I never really though it would happen. Well, I hoped and kind of threw myself into this thing not IM knowing what to expect. This is my first sale post. Just came in yesterday. It just makes me think 100k a year is possible. $4.50 is just a start, but.....

Post by nathaniell on Sun Mar 20, 2011

First $100 day

Yes, I'm joining the club. My first hundred dollar day. I remember when i first joined the site, i felt lost because I didn't have a set plan. I kept wondering if what I was doing would be worth the time... Goals? $1000 dollar day by next year

Posted: June 05, 2011

One Year anniversary

Yes, I've been in WA for one year now.... I remember when I first got to WA I though the worst that could happen would be that I would just learn something and count the losses as class fees. Ha...

1 year's expenses - about $600
1 year's income - about $4000

It's not the millions I imagined and I can't quit my job, but it's getting there. I give myself another three years before I can buy and Island and retire. :)

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veronica.l Premium
Great progress! Yes a lot of us got hit hard by the Google changes, I think it makes us seek other places to get traffic. But if you have done it ones you can do it again. Great progress keep up your good work.

To your success!