One Year anniversary

Last Update: June 04, 2011

Yes, I've been in WA for one year now. i want to make a big inspiring post, but you know, things come up, and now I'm sick. I remember when I first got to WA I though the worst that could happen would be that I would just learn something and count the losses as class fees. Ha.

 I don't know if it's weird to post exact numbers, but I remember being curious about it back in the day. I know marketers tend to guard things like niches and profits, but I think for newbies who come across this blog it would be interesting to know.

 1 year's expenses - about $600  (WA fee + some other SEO guides an outsourcing)

1 year's income - about $4.000

 It's not the millions I imagined and I can't quit my job, but it's getting there. I give myself another three years before I can buy and Island and retire. :)

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How many offline businesses can be bought with a $600 investment? From small acorns mighty oaks do grow. Your 2nd year should treble that ROI. Cheers, JR