Hi there, my name is Jernej and I'm from Slovenia.
For now I'm fresh at internet marketing. I'm very excited that I've found this program.
Personally I love IM, I always wanted to earn money over internet, It's very challenging. Many of my friends and family don't belive I could earn some serious buck on internet therefore I am determined to prove them wrong (at least that's my goal). Of course that's not the only reason why I applied to WA.
For hobbies, I am a fan of everything involving PC and sports. I like movies, and ofc drinking with my buddies.
Currently I'm studying Informatics and technology of communications, so internet marketing goes hand in hand with my college which is definately a plus.
For now I'm fresh at internet marketing. I'm very excited that I've found this program.
Personally I love IM, I always wanted to earn money over internet, It's very challenging. Many of my friends and family don't belive I could earn some serious buck on internet therefore I am determined to prove them wrong (at least that's my goal). Of course that's not the only reason why I applied to WA.
For hobbies, I am a fan of everything involving PC and sports. I like movies, and ofc drinking with my buddies.
Currently I'm studying Informatics and technology of communications, so internet marketing goes hand in hand with my college which is definately a plus.
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