Just another WordPress site

Last Update: July 08, 2012
www.easyvegetablegrowing.com is now just up and running. There is nothing there but its up! I had to wait more than 24 hours for the DNS settings to take . It seemed far to easy for even me to bungle but for awhile I was sure I messed it up somehow. The word press template I chose is very generic and boring. But it has the right general layout I want. I will have to enhance it later with more color and maybe a cool logo. And change that blue red thumbnail thing too.

Now I need content. Lots of content. To start with I went out and photographed some of my plants with very mediocre results. I may need to invest in a better camera or buy some pictures. My camera cannot take good photos up close and close ups are what I want. For now they will have to do.

Things seem to be working well but when writing I am very easily distracted. I might have to work somewhere without internet access. When I'm on a computer I always try to do too many things at once. I will start writing then get online to check a fact or what ever excuse I can imagine then the next thing you know I'm on Youtube for hours, or writing a blog ;). Internet attention deficit disorder? I guess if this was easy everyone would be living off passive income on a beach somewhere drinking coronas. I just need to keep at it.
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klrrider Premium
I can connect with the "distractions" syndrome... have it myself. However when I finally get writing I get in a "zone" or something and can write all day. When one of those comes along I take advantage of it. Rich's pencil and paper suggestion is a good one. I have tried a bunch of free themes and I have narrowed it down to 3 that I like, but my favorite is Suffusion By sayontan... http://aquoid.com/news/themes/suffusion/ or just search suffusion inside of your WP blog new theme field.
@RICH. Premium
Hey Steven, content huh? You and me both! I blogged yesterday about having to spend the next week working on my posts and articles. It's a great idea of yours to avoid the distractions offered up by technology, so it's definitely back to the pad and pencil for me! Rich.