About Newcoder
Joined June 2010
Hi! My name is Redzuan, currently residing in Singapore. I am a newbie in Internet Marketing. I look forward to a fruitful existence in WA. I joined as a result of potpiegirl's recommendation.

Frankly, the price increase announcement nudged me to eventually join WA. I have not been able to make any money online thus far. I have tried a few programs without success, mainly because of a lack of follow-through. I strongly believe that, via WA, I will achieve my dream of "financial freedom".

I have many ideas. But I need to keep reminding myself constantly that the ultimate value is in the action I take, not the ideas I make.
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webkab Premium
Thought I'd connect with you since we have been in WA about the same time together. I took the 30 day training twice and especially appreciate potpiegirls blogs and magistudio Jays wabinars and instructions. I launched a business at www.comforthealthybikesaddles.com that producing a small income right now. All because of WA. Best of luck to you and MUCH SUCCESS.
Billy Graves Premium
WOW! Is this a small world or what. You're on one side of it and I am on the other.......
I have determined in my heart to follow the teaching the very best I know how. I figure that If they can become rich by these methods, I can also. Just follow the bouncing ball.
Billy Graves
Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA! I am also a newbie. If you would like to be buddies just let me know. If a can be of any help let me know that too.
Sherion Premium
You will have buddies too soon enough. I just spend time in here each evening sometimes in the day in the WA Space area. Then I have designated study time. Let me know if I can help.
newcoder Premium
Sure! Why not? :) I see you'v already got lots of buddies.. To our success! :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
newcoder Premium
Thanks Jamie, my first WA buddy :) I'm still warming up here.. Just sooo many good things here.. You have an interesting background too :)