My Mission at Wealthy affiliates

Last Update: December 04, 2011

I have been blessed with a lot of things. Money was not one of them. My goal here is simple and straightforward, to learn which buttons to push and in what order. My  main source of income today is disability and that pays my rent, my phone and covers my basic needs . I am feeling a bit healthier these days and have reactivated my website. I have changed my focus from trying to keep myself working and seek to create jobs for others.                                                                                     Wealthy Affiliates has opened a whole world of new opportunities for me to help others achieve some level of financial freedom. I hope I can stay afloat long enough to hire a part time person to help me do the computer stuff I need to do. Thanks for reading this. Anyone who has questions, comments or advice just drop me a note. I would love your input.  Rich

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