I thought I did but now I really DO...

Last Update: April 01, 2010

I thought I had it done but I couldnt even view my website on the web. Well, I figured it out today and it's there ! Its so exciting, even if I have nothing to advertise or sell on there YET..I'm still proud.

I feel like a moron sometimes. Ive been using computers for 20 yrs now (i guess i started with a processor) and i really havent kept up. It just grew so fast!

But now I'm in it and however my attention will let me absorb this all, I will learn and I will do and do well !

: ) 

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jeffrey73 Premium
20 yra huh? Well, my first CPU I've used was when I was around 10 years old. It was a Radio Shack 16K. Then we upgraded to a 32K.. can you imagine? LOL I used to program games from a magazine, it took FOREVER. Well worth it though.
jatdebeaune Premium
It's great to start from moron statis because you have no where to go but up.
Traci Premium
Welcome to WA, it definitely feels good when you get your first website up and running! Good luck!
sox1n05 Premium
A moron? That's not nice! I'm like you. I've bee using a computer since the early 80's and sometimes I'm lucky if I can turn the darn thing on sometimes! Baby steps right? Thanks for the laugh!
kadcpp Premium
Cool Beans! Keep up the good work!