I do mean Overwhelmed!

Last Update: May 28, 2012
I do mean Overwhelmed I wish to learn this stuff; but it makes me feel like a dummy! And I know I am no dummy. Yes I do suffer from Dyslexia and suffered a right brain stoke back in 2008, and the stroke may have amplified my Dyslexia and so I may do better in a classroom setting and the site new setup is very hard for me to navigate.Ido much better when I can hear what I am reading. So I use a text to voice program to read everything. Plus the loss of feeling in my left side does not help on my typing due to my stroke; it means that I a one handed so I’m a “biblical typist” (seek you shall find then hit)
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Deezdz Premium
I've been marketing online for over a year now. Sometimes I still feel confused, frustrated and uncomfortable asking some of my questions. If you enjoy working online and want to earn money doing so, don't give up. We are all here to support you.
I too was struggling to learn and now to adapt to the changes to the Open Education Project format. I pride myself in being able to create small steps to help myself and others learn Anything! And I am struggling with this... For me there is too much information in too many directions and I have also become Overwhelmed. Let's form a Baby Steps group or something because there are many of us that are committed to making this work even when we feel like dummies.

I am sorry but I was lost for 95% of the 30 Day Success Club and then everything I was struggling to learn was relocated. I did not give up but it did knock the air out of me. No Big Deal, I know that somewhere in this haystack there is the info I need in small enough bites... I know that this is the Right Place and these are the Right People to be working with.

I will PM you and lets see if we can join forces with some others here to work through this.

Sherry M
LittleRhody Premium
That is normal, if you keep at it then one day it will all click but you nee to keep at it.
veronica.l Premium
If you stick with it, learn and implement you will do great. The 30 day success club is a great place to start.
You are No dummy. This makes everyone feel stupid at first. I used to cry when I first started this, seriously.
You'll do Fine!