Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard

Last Update: April 19, 2011

I'm currently trying to work through the 30 days to success and found that my biggest obstacle is writing content. Sometimes it feels like putting my head through a wall just trying to get 400 words out, even without worrying about quality or conversion.

And then sometimes it's like a breeze. I just revived the project that made me my first sale back in january. It's a really silly niche and I didn't work on it in months. So today I decided to just write something, anything, a lens or article or whatever.
For some reason it's really easy for me to write about that. While I just stare at the keybord and can't get a word out on other topics, I can write all day about that nice. And there's not even that much to say!

But I decided to practice with something that comes easy to me, even if it's not that profitable. It sure is better than trying to force out a comprehensive article on a niche I just don't know how to write.

I hope it will get easier once I'm used to writing and maybe one day I'll be able to write great articles on any topic. It's still a long way but the almost 800 word article today took only 40 minutes, so maybe not all is lost :)


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