Major change in my life!

Last Update: August 24, 2011

To make long story short, I just found out today I have my second child on the way! Im happy but it was a little unexpected.  Now I really have to kck it into full gear. I will reach my $500/week goal! I will exceed my goal! Failure is not an option! It must be done!!!! 

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Nirnaeth Premium
Congratulations! With that kind of motivation you're going to be unstoppable :D
Barnabus Premium
Congratulations to both you and your wife, Nitro. You never know when life's little surprises is going to surprise you. I guess that's why it's called a surprise. Every one of my children caught me by surprise all 5 of them. You can do this. I read your bio and seems like you got it goin' on.