Don't Be Afraid To Move On

Last Update: March 20, 2011

Today I found a notebook with a blog post I was writing that was the first of a series. I would have been writing on my very first blogger blog that I believe I wrote in March of 2008. I was later calling it  "unsuccess" and it was directed at my 0 readers. Kind of like my Visitor Count. I sometimes need to actually write or in my case print instead of typing. I feel it helps me come up with ideas. 

Going back in time made me realize how little has changed for me. I'm still not very successful but my hope springs eternal. It also gave me a good laugh because I thought about the crazy man who gets up everyday and does the same thing but keeps expecting a different result.

If I did not truly believe I am getting better I would not be able to share this. My addiction to "shiny things" just had a set back but that's for another time.

I italicized the parts I wrote today.

There are times when I am ready to give up. Do the one thing I vowed I would not do, not this time. I am convinced that having my own business is the only way to achieve the success  I want. I am also convinced that I am in the right place to create that business, the internet. My goal is to not spend any money until I am making money

Since I first read that you could make money on the internet without the million dollar start up cost that I had been lead to believe you needed, I have been on a journey to find my success on the internet so that I can share it and help those interested in making money online.

Note: I started out so hopeful and jumped right in and I now have accounts on Blogger, Wordpress, Squidoo, Hubpages and Webs just to name some of them. These were for creating Google Adsense sites that I was convinced people would come to and click on the ad and voila, money.  I was posting to about 5 or 6 Blogger blogs and several other free places I found to point at this blogger Adsense site.

My hope is that this blog will be where you come when you need to learn something you do not already know.

For example:

I was amazed to find out the number of people that are not aware of keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V for cutting and pasting. Not only are there many others by default you can create your own for those tasks that are just easier than using a mouse or you don't have a mouse.

Here is a quick list of default shortcuts just for cutting and pasting text. This is for Windows only since I do not know MAC. You need to press and hold the control key "Ctrl" and then the letter.

  •  Ctrl-A - select all
  • Ctrl-C - copy
  • Ctrl-X - cut
  • Ctrl-V paste

And if you press the Alt key and let go and then the letter E and then the letter S the Paste Special screen will pop up.

 Well like always I am running out of time and I will have to end here. I am hoping you found this useful and if  it did or not please leave a comment.

Note: I think it is funny that I am already talking about giving up. That and never having enough time seems to be common themes for me. I posted on this blog for close to a year and it had some good information but I was finding the same information everywhere. So one day I noticed that at most I had about 5 visitors and I just started deleting all the posts. This page in this notebook may be the only thing left. Don't be afraid to move on.



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