About Notamiy
Joined September 2011
I want to be successful... Early
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cashflow+ Premium
Welcome wishing for you success in a big way here at WA. Cheers!
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
Labman_1 Premium
And your question is?
Labman_1 Premium
I would try to PM Carson. I think that there is not an easy way to do this but if any one can get it done, it would be Carson.
notamiy Premium
thank you! i have a question if your up to it?
notamiy Premium
How do i change my buddy name? its notamiy and i want it to be notamit. really bugging me
SamD Premium
Hi, and welcome to WA. :)
notamiy Premium
thank you!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Jamie Smith Premium
I've never made an edit on that section before, my advice would be to throw that question into the WA LIVE chat system.
notamiy Premium
thank ya thank ya,, hey do you know how i can change my buddy name thing?
notamiy Premium
Hey whoever's reading this