About NowItsTime
Joined June 2010
Hello! Im Ojeanette
My blog name is NowItsTime
An image will be forthcoming in the near future.
I have been trying to get into internet marketing for over a year. Didn't have any internet know how. Just knew I wanted to learn and do it.
I was delighted when I discovered WA and its community of learners style of achievements.
I am currently in education, love it, but its time to leave it and do something new. This is it! Weathy Affiliate University around the world online.
Looking forward to getting to know U!
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA. Feel free to add me as a buddy and let me know if I can help you in anyway. Best of wishes to you.
NowItsTime Premium
My name is Ojeanette, you can find me at my blog by the name NowItsTime. There's not an image available because I have to learn how to do that.=)
Anyway, I have joined the WA community in order to grow knowledgeable in how to be a network marketer.
My background is teaching and I have loved every year. But, it's time to wind down the clock and start something a new. I have always liked sells and I know this is not sells but it does reach out and help others. That's what I am all about. So, I am applying PotPieGirl's motto:"If you are willing to do for a year what others Won't, you can spend the rest of your life doing what others Can't!" Looking forward to meeting U.