About Ntweetyd
Joined September 2008
My name is Nicole and I am 31 years old and I moved back to my hometown of Chicopee, MA in July of this year and I'm just getting started with Internet Marketing. I have worked as a courier for FedEx Express for the past 6 years and I absolutely love my job.

Like everyone else, I joined to earn extra money. But if everything were to work out for me and I could actually become successful at this, then I wouldn't mind working from home instead!! :)
I am fairly familiar with computers and websites...so I thought!!! It is taking me quite some time getting adjusted to all this. So hopefully I can catch on quickly. I welcome helpful and encouraging comments and messages for guidance.

I've been getting to know people throughout the WA program and they are great. Very supportive. It's great to know that you are able to send messages to people and ask questions and that they are willing to help.
I did all my training and once all the "structure" was gone, I find myself having a hard time staying on track now that I am on my own. Hopefully it will all come together for me! You can't be successful unless you do it, right??? If anyone else is also the type who needs a little kick in the butt to get going, then feel free to send me a message and maybe we can help each other out and make the learning process a little easier.

I haven't been able to do as much online as I would like within the past 6 months or so with the whole move and I'm hoping I can get back into it now that things are a little more settled for me. So be on the lookout for me. :)

Good luck to all the newbies...this is definitely a great place to start.
Hope to hear from you.
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malcolm Premium
Hi Ntweetyd, Where you from? with a Dutch/Afrikaans name. I'm surprised you haven't built yourself a little website.
WA and everything else related to computers is new to me. I've bought DreamWeaver CS3 and Total Training and I'm busy trying to build myself some websites. I've earned a nice little income from my UK & EURO lotto websites.
Good Luck - the harder you work the luckier you get. Talk again soon.
mattR Premium
Milford. where u from?
mattR Premium
i used to work out there(comcast) and yeah thanx for bringing up the snow must be nice to be sitting by the beach rite now with a corona
Ntweetyd Premium
Yeah it is nice to be near the beach....I may be going on the boat tomorrow. It's my birthday!!! OOopppsss.....didn't want to rub that in. hehehe.
You lived in Chicopee?? What a small world if you did. Nicole
hcloward Premium
Cute dog! Welcome to WA! I wish you all the best! Keep us all updated on your successes!
hcloward Premium
I am taking my time and soaking up all the information. It might get overwhelming, but just keep yourself grounded. It is easy to go all over the place. Have a great weekend!
hcloward Premium
I hope so far that you have decided you made the right choice in internet marketing program. So far I am doing okay. I am a little behind but this stuff is not like rocket science to me. It is a process which I am enjoying so far.
hcloward Premium
I see you have a better picture up! That is one good looking dog!
Ntweetyd Premium
Thanks!! That's not the best picture of him...but I will get more. :) I just signed up today and am excited to get started!!! I see you are new to WA as well. Hope things are starting out well for you!!! :)
Ntweetyd Premium
Hey girl...haven't heard from you in a while and just thought I would check in and say HI. I've been doing my training and lots and lots of reading online. I wrote an article on Ezine and it wasn't published so that was frustrating and discouraging for me. How's things going with you?? Any success yet?? Hope you are doing well. Take care. Nicole
Kelzero2sixty Premium
Hi there and welcome :) I was drawn to your pic....I am a veterinary technologist by night (I work the emergency shift) and an aspiring millionaire by day, ha! Let me know if I can help you learn the program in any way, also if you ever need advice on your pooch! It is my goal to help as many pet owners keep their animals healthy and away from the emergency hospital! I'll be starting a website soon, well, as soon as I know how.....good luck with all your endeavors.
Kelzero2sixty Premium
Hi! How's it going so far? I just wrote my first article and it took me forever! But at least I got a feel for how to submit one and I'll just consider it my learning experience, I'm still not happy with it and keep editing it! There seems like there is a lot to learn and they only release a certain amount of info to you at a time. It's probably to ensure you don't feel overloaded...? So I'm taking things slow.

Kelzero2sixty Premium
Haha okay, don't worry! Did you hit the panic button yet? I totally did my first day! Well lets start from the first step shall we? Do you have a niche yet? My big niche is the pet industry which I will divide into smaller ones later. I chose this obviously because I have a wealth of knowledge in my brain that requires little to no research to write an article. It helps to write about something you know! But you don't have to use your career knowledge. Do you have any hobbies?

Next, pick a product that you are going to incorporate into your article. Learn about what the product does and how it can help your reader. The purpose of writing an article is to provide information to the prospective reader, not to try to sell them something. For example, my first article was one on natural home remedies for pets and in it I included a link to my product that is an e-book designed by a veterinarian. You could write an article on your favourite place to go camping and include a camping product in the article.

I started with Squidoo because they provide and article template for you and you basically just plug the info in. They place other adds and stuff on your article. I haven't ventured out into other sites yet because I want to get good at writing articles and you can do that on Squidoo for free. They let you edit it as many times as you would like and it even gets you higher ranked if you change it up frequently. The Squidoo tutorial on WA is quite helpful.

OKay, if you've gotten this far then sorry for rambling on! But if not, let me know how its' going and we can go from there!

All the best! Kellie
Ntweetyd Premium
I actually have another dog, too. I haven't had a chance to put her pics on my computer yet! I have a ton of the two of them on Myspace. I'm new to WA as well. I just got started on friday. Reading through the site and getting acquainted with everything. Hopefully I can get things more clear quickly! That would be nice. Add me to your friends. I'm definitely a dog lover. :) They are my kids!!!
Ntweetyd Premium
Well you're doing better than I am...I haven't done anything yet...Just reading stuff.
Where did you post your first one??? Geez, I think I'm more lost than I thought I would be.
Ntweetyd Premium
Hey girl...just thought I would check in and say HI. Kinda got delayed in my training for a few days and haven't been on the computer. My girlfriends mom fell and broke her shoulder and has been in the hospital and we have been there whenever we're not at work so it's been hectic. But I'm hoping to get back with it soon. Just wanted to say hi. :) Hope you're doing well. ttyl Nicole
Ntweetyd Premium
Where ya been?? Haven't heard from you in a while. Just checking in. I wrote 3 blogs and have been trying to write an article on Squidoo for two days now but have been having trouble with it for some reason and am very frustrated. Just wondering if you have had trouble with it also?? Hope you are doing well also. ttyl Nicole
PLM Premium
Hey! Noticed your question about Hubpages.

Hubpages terms of service only allows you to have 2 links to a domain and any cloaked link such as tinyurl counts as a wildcard gig. Don't use tinyurl anymore, it's a trash heap cloaker imo and usually turns people off when they see that link to not click on it. Use the awesome tool you get here for free with mylinker and you can create your own righteous looking custom URL's plus the ability to track your traffic.

If you have 1 tinyurl cloaked link to your website, and say 2 more anchor text links to another site... it'll be removed as to many links to the promotion of one product / service or business site. They have a new script that has been added recently that is a lot more aggressively blocking affiliate links.

Lets say you have 3 cloaked links and each one links to a different article, blog or lander... 3 separate sites... it'll be unpublished because of the rule... that's 3 "wildcards" with the cloaked links.
I've noticed that hubpages has become the whore of google adsense revenue and lately they have allowed members to become moderators. One particular moderator has removed my hub that was published since may of this year. Due to "overly promotional" and "to many affiliate links" ... mind you, I have one link that is uncloaked and leads to my website... no affiliate links at all. Of course I have my own opinions about the reasons why this particular "moderator" has suddenly removed my hubs... Screwy system that they have going on there.

To get your "hub" published I'd recommend that you try to be very conservative with your links. Treat hubpages as if they were like the very strict EZA and see if they will get your hub published with just one link.

Mine keep getting taken down with the overly promotional reason as the causes including "to many affiliate links" such as the case of my hub that had NO affiliate links. go figure eh?
PLM Premium
My pleasure. If you need help understanding how to use mylinker or even comprehending the power of it and how to use it properly for tracking purposes and creating campaigns with it just shoot me a PM... I'll be more then happy to help you with it. I really did not understand the full potential of it myself for a long time and never even used it to be honest until a buddy I met here at WA really opened my eyes about this amazing little tool.
Ntweetyd Premium
Thank you so much for answering my question about Hubpages! It is quite confusing to get em all straight to know which ones allow links and which ones don't. Appreciate you taking the time to explain it to me. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!! :)
Ntweetyd Premium
Thanks for the help....you crack me up. I love reading your posts in the forum. Your analogies are perfect. lol
I will send you a message when I get stuck with the My-Linker or anything else. :)
Your new buddy. :) Nicole
Ntweetyd Premium
Hi there...in order to set up the My-Linker it seems you need to have all the ID numbers for Google and Yahoo etc...but you have to pay to set up with them. Is there a way around using My-Linker without having to use these ID's???
You told me to shoot you a message when I was ready to use it....and I think I'm to that point now. :)