No Regrets!

Last Update: October 21, 2009

Aloha my friends,

I have no regrets!  None... I am not going to go on about why I have not written for awhile.  I do try to keep in touch with my closest buddies... but I have been spending my time reading, studying and such.  Probably too much reading.  But that really is so me.  It is how I work best.  Read, learn and have a plan about what I want to do.  I have been hearing the little voice within saying, " C'mon now just get something online already!"   I have been reading a lot about  blogging and I am really trying to figure how that all works. It really interests me.  I almost joined a blogging membership site  but I heard a voice telling me to figure out one aspect first... WA!!  Hello? 

Enough with the inner conversations with myself... I've gotta laugh!

My main concern was to just say hello to all of you and to let you know that I am thinking great thoughts for everyone. I am sending you all love.   I truly want us all to be a huge success.  I know that we can do this.  Keep smiling everyone!  Drop by and say hello from time to time.

I am here in Colorado and it's getting cold... expecting snow tonight and tomorrow.  Be well and be blessed.  Peace.





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1courage Premium
Oahuspirit, you and I are a little similar. We both like to read a lot to completely understand. Sometimes I feel I'm taking too long. Then I realize, I'm not competing with anyone for first place for completing WA. With that said, I want to get into more action mode. I see you do too. We will get there. I really like reading your posts. They are very motivating and remind us that we we can accomplish many things if we remain positive and keep negativity which is based in fear away. Thank you.